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Navigating Growth and Innovation in Market Research: Insights from Monika Rogers

Navigating Growth and Innovation in Market Research: Insights from Monika Rogers

In the ever-evolving landscape of market research, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. As technology reshapes our industry and client demands intensify, researchers and insights professionals must adapt, innovate, and redefine their value proposition.

To shed light on these challenges and opportunities, we sat down with Monika Rogers, a veteran in the field with decades of experience spanning various roles, including founder, growth strategist, and client services leader.

Monika's journey through the market research industry offers a unique perspective on its transformation and the strategies needed to thrive in today's dynamic environment. From the birth of innovative research platforms to the current AI revolution, her insights provide a roadmap for navigating the complexities of modern market research.

Watch the full episode here:

The Evolution of Market Research Technology

The story of market research's technological evolution is perhaps best exemplified by Monika's experience founding Digsite, a platform born out of post-recession challenges. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, researchers faced smaller teams, tighter budgets, and an urgent need for faster, more innovative research methods.

"At the time, you know, the use of Facebook for market research was kind of a new and novel idea," Monika recalls. "Clients were really struggling post the Great Recession to deal with smaller teams, smaller budgets, and so they were looking for new and innovative ways to work to get market research done, looking to work a lot more quickly."

Digsite aimed to leverage social media concepts for qualitative research, addressing the limitations of existing online communities that often took weeks to set up. However, the path to adoption wasn't without obstacles. Data privacy and ownership concerns were significant barriers, especially when it came to sharing concepts and sensitive information on platforms like Facebook.

Moreover, transitioning from traditional linear research approaches to more dynamic, simultaneous methodologies proved challenging for many researchers. Monika notes, "Yes, and that makes a lot of sense. Here's another way we could approach it. Does that still meet your needs, right? And getting people comfortable with the idea that we could do these things simultaneously rather than sequentially."

The breakthrough came with the integration of Agile methodologies into research platforms. Inspired by the emerging concepts of Google Sprints and Agile development, Monika and her team developed Digsite Sprints. This innovation provided researchers with a structured process and scaffolding, making it easier for them to adopt new technologies and methodologies.

"That's when we really took off as a company," Monika explains, "was when we gave them the process and the scaffolding to make them feel safe doing this innovative thing and they understood how to do it quickly and we were providing the right supports to enable their success."

Current Challenges and Demands in Market Research

Fast forward to today, and the market research industry faces a new set of challenges. Rapid technological change and the proliferation of tools have created both opportunities and complexities. Researchers are expected to deliver more insights, faster and cheaper, all while navigating an increasingly complex technological landscape.

Budget constraints continue to be a significant factor, with the "more for less" mentality persisting across industries. This pressure forces research firms to innovate not just in their methodologies but also in their operational efficiency.

Amidst this technological revolution, Monika emphasizes the enduring importance of the human element in client services. Understanding a client's organizational context, providing emotional support, and anticipating needs remain crucial skills. "Another big component of this is just the human side of it," she states. "Like, how do you help this person achieve the results that they're trying to achieve in the organization so that they can, you know, meet their own career goals?"

The challenge for modern research firms lies in balancing technology adoption with human expertise. It's not enough to have the latest tools; researchers must also possess the insight and experience to apply these tools effectively and interpret results in a way that drives business decisions.

Strategies for Differentiation in a Competitive Market

In such a competitive landscape, differentiation becomes paramount. Monika offers valuable advice for research firms looking to stand out:

  1. Build from organizational strengths: "Look at who you are as an organization, the foundationally, the skills, the talents, the backgrounds that you have, right? What is it at your core that you're really, really known for and good at?"
  2. Embrace discomfort and innovation: Quoting Ted Lasso, Monika advises, "If you're comfortable riding a horse, you're probably riding itwrong." She elaborates, "If you're comfortable, you're doing it wrong. Like you need to be uncomfortable."
  1. Explore various differentiation methods: This can include emphasizing corporate values (like Zappi's B Corporation certification), specializing in specific methodologies or outcomes, or developing proprietary technology.

Monika stresses the importance of balancing these strategies: "While I say pull from your strengths, that kind of gives you your centering. Now you've got to lean, lean way forward on those skis and go try new things and figure out new ways that leverage your strengths in new ways."

The Role of AI and Emerging Technologies in Market Research

The conversation inevitably turns to the role of AI and emerging technologies in shaping the future of market research. Monika sees immense potential in several areas:

  1. Synthetic data generation
  2. AI agents and assistants
  3. Improved questionnaire design and analysis

However, she cautions against blindly chasing every new technology. "I think the question really becomes how broad or narrow are the use cases of these specific technologies and where are they and their ability to deliver, right?"

The rapid pace of innovation presents both opportunities and challenges. Tools that may have been inadequate six months ago could now be game-changers. This necessitates a continuous learning and experimentation approach. Monika advises, "I'm okay with something not working as well as I want it today and revisiting that six months from now or a year from now, rather than saying, oh, that vendor doesn't work for me."

For larger organizations, having a dedicated team to evaluate and implement new technologies can be a significant advantage. However, even smaller firms and independent consultants must prioritize staying informed about technological advancements to remain competitive.

The Future of Market Research and Insights

Despite the challenges and changes facing the industry, Monika remains optimistic about the future of market research and insights. She believes that insights professionals are becoming increasingly critical to organizations, especially as the potential and pitfalls of AI become more apparent.

To secure a seat at the table and demonstrate value, Monika advises treating market research as a "game of chess." This means not just looking backward at data but thinking several steps ahead. "If we bring them a point of view, not just on so what, but on now what, and that now what isn't just about the decision that's right in front of the client, but is thinking with them about what it means down the road, I think that's when you really add value and when you become a partner."

This forward-thinking approach involves providing long-term value through "now what" insights. By helping clients anticipate future challenges and opportunities, researchers can position themselves as strategic partners rather than just data providers.


As we navigate the complex landscape of modern market research, Monika Rogers' insights offer a valuable roadmap. Success in this industry requires a delicate balance of leveraging organizational strengths, embracing innovation, and maintaining a human touch in client relationships.

The future belongs to those who can adapt quickly, experiment fearlessly, and provide strategic, forward-thinking insights. By treating market research as a game of chess—always thinking several moves ahead—professionals in this field can secure their place as indispensable partners to businesses navigating an uncertain future.

As Monika puts it, "It's an amazing time to be in this industry and all the fears and hopes and all that wrapped up in a big bow. Hopefully, we can go and get through this together, slay the dragon together."

For those looking to stay connected with Monika and continue learning from her experiences, she encourages connections on LinkedIn and looks forward to engaging with industry colleagues at conferences and online discussions. In this era of rapid change, collaboration and continuous learning will be key to not just surviving, but thriving in the evolving world of market research.

Ready to adopt AI in your market research practice? Get is touch with us at Reveal AI to learn how your team can scale your qualitative research efforts.

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